We might be in the depths of the winter months and wanting to snuggle back down under the duvet, but the lighter palette of the new Antonio Wall Light brings us hope of a summer yet to come.
Spotted in this month’s Country & Town House Magazine is our Antonio pendant that has been inspired by the Fabio pendant light. This light can be hung as a wall light as pictured, or as a single pendant, in a group or as part of a bespoke chandelier. Blown to a lighter shade from our range of 23 colours gives a whole new palette for us to experiment with and the results are uplifting.
Whilst the peachy-pink blooms of summer are still far ahead of us, we can dream of warm summer nights with what Country & Town House Magazine describes as a small slice of paradise to give a statement wall a new year facelift.

Download the new brochure to see our full range, or take a look at our range right here on the website. You can also get in touch with us on +44(0) 1629 826284 or email us on studio@curiousa.co.uk.